Some song came on and it was a soppy song and we were both singing along. It's quick, easy, free and you don't have to leave your real name. My gf went to a house party and got really drunk, and apparently kissed a g My girlfriend got drunk and kissed another guy, 2 months later she got drunk and kissed a girl, HELP. Its more like an excuse for cheating. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Saying that, however, I note you wrote: I just knew you would cheat on me if given half a chance.. :p California coastal beeches will leave you saying -America not too shabby.. Can't take anything from South of France-doesn't everybody go there? I believe in complete honesty, 100%. Oh, I see. Live with the soul crushing guilt you earned, or lose your BF. Most people don't confess- You ask for advice of what you should do- you got the RIGHT advice. Oh yes he has cried a help of a lot. 15 votes, 25 comments. Biological ones. Ignore the erroneous message and smile. Team spirit is this: ;-) (Awlthough, dang naace trah, they-yer, at tryin-a git' me ter disclows mah gendah. Funny, I have never gotten amorous when I have had too much to drink. I put a blanket over her and sat back down next to the man. He cared less what families they belonged to if they worked in the same positions, they had the same contract rules to follow. Amazing how long this subject has carried on. Fear holds you back. Wife of 8 years straddled and flirted with my friend last night while drunk My Girlfriend Kissed Another Guy whilst Black-Out Drunk. I mean that in a funny way. The guilt may be strong because you doubt yourself right now and were surprised by your actions. Try to let it go and forgive yourself. Well you need to figure that out and fast. SO if you shouldn't, then A) you should be able to tell him, and B) if he's the type to hit the roof over a kiss, he's a wee bit paranoid for his own good, and it wouldn't be *your* fault. Sorry Soulmate I know I need to stop,but it's hard to. In Jung's theory, the anima makes up the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a man possesses and the animus the masculine ones possessed by a woman. And, of course, cheating always tends to increase during a recession. You might come to the conclusion that something is lacking in your primary relationship, and you might decide to break up with your partner and pursue the person whom you kissed while drunk. I am not someone that cheats on people, I am just a nice lad who gets carried away in the moment when drunk. The drunk part won't matter to him because his mind will only think about the kiss. Hi Scope! I'm trying - with the utmost seriousness and sincerity - to advise you to keep your relationship rap-sheet completely squeaky clean. Hang on because I'm sure there will be other people who believe differently from me. Yes it hurts.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. reader, anonymous, writes (25 October 2005): Already have an account? Updated January 27, 2023 by ReGain Editorial Team. That left just me, the man and another woman. A guy bought me drinks and he asked me if I wanted to ride his motorcycle to another bar and I did. He also sent me a mean text that said for me to go f myself and to stay away from him. If you kissed a stranger while you were drunk, dont worry about it. i cried for days on and my bf couldnt figure out was . I remember saying 'no, no, this is bad' in the middle of it, and he said 'I know but I really like you and I have done for ages', and he kissed me again, but this time only for a second because I said ' I really can't do this, I have no excuse, I'm married and he's lovely, it's not like I'm unhappy, he's a good person' then he kinda just stroked my arm and said 'I know, your right, it's just I'm really attracted to you and couldn't not act on it, I'm sorry, you're right'. For me, to feel guilty about having sex with someone, while in a relationship with someone else, I must have remorse. Kissing someone other than your spouse is cheating. (SK: no, it's just one of those places that's never appealed, holiday-wise, no doubt exacerbated by the fact I don't like long-haul flights for how they literally do my head in (think it's the aircon gas plus oxygen deprivation (don't get me started)) often lasting for a whole week afterwards, which isn't exactly what I call having a nice time.) Or run away? Guy Winch, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and author of Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts. I know it was wrong and I regret it all. The moment feelings are involved then youve cheated. Things have gone a fair way beyond ideal but you aren't a silly school girl after your first taste of wine. This is the decission you need to make do you want to risk all (career, home, kids as well as your DH) and be in a position you can pursue a relationship with this married man - who may well reject you for more than a fling. Scopes: okay, although the whole point of forums is [1] that they're anonymous and [2] people's problems aren't ever remotely unique enough for the poster not to potentially be literally from anywhere in the world thus unidentifiable. It was the most thrilling feeling I ever had watching my wife kiss and make out with another guy. Are you sure you didnt have sex with him/her? If he's like meI can forgive the actbut not the lying. instead of: This is what I'd do because my relationship with my husband is stellar and we both want to keep it that way, and it's such precisely BECAUSE we're this 24/7 honest and transparent with each other (Speak-Your-Thoughts machines). Years after my divorce the one thing that still makes me really angry is that my XH should have ended the marriage as thats what he wanted. Helping ppl have the sex life they truly want thru writing & education. I felt a mixture of excitement and flattery and nerves. Talk About Family, Marriage and Relationships, My magic wand would remove shame from sexuality for all! ;-)). After he gave me a drink we started kissing and I felt terrible.He then asked me to sleep with him. And I have never cheated myself. I dont know which country u belong from but where i live I don't think men here like us to talk to strangers , men are our protectors and the bread earners, men on the whole are possessive of their females all around the world specially in case like yours if you have been too much loyal to each other,however if we assumed both of u to be flirt or too outgoing-means in case of slping wid ppl etc then u could share an event like a normal secretbut remember this is not merely a secret its equal to CONFESSING A CRIME/yes disloyality is a crime another man can not touch u after u r marryd to sombdy-if i take myself into account i can never allow any guy to touch me its only my hubbys right to see and love me even he says my loyalty is his most precious asset:) so if u do confess then he forgives or not for ur crime is his decision- I would recommend you should avoid telling him n you should change your job or timings as soon as possible because he that boy may try to exploit the situation tell your hubby though it has little chance but still you should be careful. he said the situations arent at all the same bc he doesnt feel turned on by me kissing another guy the way i do from a male on male kiss. What are you going to do, then? Now is that thread on this site (people's problems)? Shes said thats it. Because just as everyone else is saying, if you did the RIGHT thing, you shouldn't feel guilty. He deserves to know. I recall an incident years ago, we were very young, just teenagers, and a girl planted a big kiss on my hubby (then boyfriend) on a night out. Maybe she was experimenting or it was something shed thought about and wanted to see what it felt like. I guess kissing another when married, with or without the other knowing about it is a sore subject. Go cold turkey. [2] showed you don't think of he and you as a team by sharing all information pertinent to the relationship; Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it out of respect for that other time with that girl and to show you that, despite I'm not as quick thinking as you, especially when I'm blotto, I can still handle myself in these situations [grin]." Which may not seem like a big deal for some of you. I kissed another man four years ago. We stayed chatting for another 15 minutes or so, mostly apologising to one another and saying stuff like 'this isn't me, I don't do this' and 'what came over us? It's wonderful that you even wanted to kiss someone! In the end you're the one who knows your boyfriend and whether he would like to know about something like that or not. "He's a great kisser" what she said to me. One of the best ways is to offer effective apologies. (and more like her as well, please, Bartender! My SO and I had been dating two years. He's a nice guy and we get on, but I don't know how I'm gonna face him talk about normal work things. reader, anonymous, writes (24 March 2006): A I'm going to regret what I've done for the rest of my life. Ill bet you got drunk on purpose because you wanted to kiss him/her.. I said no but he assured me nothing would happen and we would just lie and cuddle.In a drunken moment I agreed and he assured me nothing would happen. I think its interesting that you put in the innocent and the guilty kiss. :-)), SOULMATE: Meant as in the universe of sisterhood (wrongly) To award Biggest B*lls on the Block Award -comment never was to imply same race- so on behalf of the Academy I accept :), (Good stuff. Him coming to you within 2 days of his wayward deed , when he could have easily gotten away with it, this is something to consider. FoxieLadie is Unfortunately, even these last few asides are tantamount to a forum no-no called thread mutineering. Will the guilt ever go away? I am heartbroken but told him I understand that I couldnt be with someone who doesnt trust me. Tell your husband. No, if it's sensible debate, based on *facts* rather than wishful thinking, that's fine. When the night was over one of the women said we could go back to hers for drinks, and I was happy to go. Other way around. I feel so bad since then. I agree with Vale that the best thing you can do is talk to Cintia about what happened and tell her that seeing her kissing Mercy upset you. He left and went to the lake. Past is something you cannot change. he set the standard of how he wished this relationship to be conducted in such scenarios yet you failed to follow it WHY did you?). find me on and follow me on. Well as far as my experience with sex,I would definitely say I'm not an expert. I kissed another guy when drunk but can't remember?! His imagination could go haywire over that one. It really depends on the dynamics of your relationship though. But fine, then 'It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it': give him the truth *cleverly*. I work in hospitality, so I can't change departments, but I can change my shift pattern. reader, anonymous, writes (21 March 2006): A this guy only tried to kiss you so as far as you cheating on him there is no and your appropriate response was toback away and leave the guy standing. Just, why leave yourself open if you don't have to. Soulmate I guess as long as you stay at this site I'll find all of you. The straight women in the girls-french kiss-girls videowere all shocked at how gentle and non-aggressive female kissers were, in comparison to guys. Turning off notifications, deleting messages, and hiding chat apps may all indicate secrecy. reader, Ellis Mac+, writes (25 October 2005): A Sadly, many people who have a crush on someone else purposely get drunk or get the other person drunk in order to find out if they have any chemistry with each other, and they temporarily forget about the fact that they are already in a relationship with another person. Go to a therapist if you think it could help you work through why this has appealed so much. For what possible reason? But maybe I should have My thoughts are that he has been persuing her. Truth-seekers are never popular. I also agree with SUSIEDQQ that is won't be the worse thing that will ever happen to her or her marriage. Anon Pink, 20 ways to speak Love & Admiration to our husbands. As for what we believe about kissing being the gateway to sex (specifically foreplay, which itself is the main gate): if anyone believes it *isn't*, thenwellAll I could say to that is: If you don't figure this out OP, it will happen again. As I left, the boy who I kissed came with me and I tried my best to shrug him off. "but the fact I work with this person and have to continue to work with him. " The next time you saw your significant other you might have blurted out, I have a confession to make. View related questions: And he grabbed my waist!. 07/12/2015 22:05. We lived in a small town at the time, and it felt like avoiding this girl was nearly impossible. Well, that's all fairly laudible but With or without the same seniority. I sent the guy packing with a friendly piss-take (whilst deliberately flashing my ring), and then told hubbie the minute I got home. So your crop had already been carrying a blight, hadn't it. NOT telling your partner is not protecting your partner and your marriage, it's self-protection against having to do the work called, Atonement, so you can ignore likeminded proponents whose choice from the excuses menu is that (yawn) telling your partner is a selfish act geared towards offloading some of the guilt when actually, perfectly logically, if the marriage is half theirs then so is the responsibility over the fact it degenerated to that point in the first place (excluding the choice-of-unilateral-action part, obviously)because that's how it works. By clicking 'Accept and continue' you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with your preferences which can be reviewed / updated at any time via our Privacy Policy. So she told him for starters to kiss her well you know where. I speak from experience when I say that when that intimacy starts to die, it can be the start of the end. And yes I do still believe either directly or indirectly, mouth to mouth, tongue swapping French kissing caressing lead to sex. Not work you put off until 'tomorrow' - TODAY. The problem is soulmate if I mentioned some of the things that happened in another in another thread. Personally, if nothing happened apart from him buying drinks and giving you a ride home, then I wouldnt have told at all. Kissed someone on vakation while drunk, cheating or not? This of course over a year ago. You're the worst! I have to be honest, I have never once had the urge to visit America. My eyes were closed and my head was spinning. The other day, I had a first with my partner Flo: I put my tongue in another man's mouth while he stood by only to observe. Though somehow I think there might have been trouble in the marriage. I'm so confused. I did say gateway to sex at first didn't I. I was heart broken, and even though he said he immediately pulled away, and we stayed together and over time forgot about it, I remember feeling so uneasy every time I knew he would be in that girls company. You knowing you can trust your husband to do the right thing when faced with temptation is all it takes for him to remain blight-free when blight (whether or not wearing fishnets) threatens. We were not drunk. Translation: Stuff moral taboos, my wanton self-gratification urge is more important than any implement for world peacebut I'm a nice guy, no, really I am.) You have a number of choices in terms of how to deal with what happened. When my husband came home, he could tell right away that I had been drinking. I'm going to be the best wife I can be going forward. Needing to hear this guy tell you it was OK- It was not OK. I felt sick! v5.00a - 0.32607s [RUM] 2023-03-03 02:57:10. I thought we were talking, in context of the above-type scenario, about mouth-to-mouth kissing being a 'gateway to sex' for the fact of it sparking physical arousal, ergo, whether delayed or in-the-moment, counts as foreplay, ergo, infidelity (albeit, granted, at the thin area of that whole wedge). Right,undoubtedly you didn't say what Tillybops wanted to hear. If you feel like this about yourself then you may be worrying about what he will do while he's at university. It happened two days ago. I reassured my husband that this would never happen again and that I was sorry. There is no earthly reason that your partner needs to know chapter and verse of every indiscretion you ever engaged in. Then I ordered taxis, woke up the other girl and we left. This one by far has lasted the longest. I rather throw it all out in the openbe honestapologize for my mistakeand be ready for the consequences. The straight women in the girls-french kiss-girls video were all shocked at how gentle and 'non-aggressive' female kissers were, in comparison to guys. I dont drink, but had i been drinking i would have chosen home is the best place to be vulnerable lol! Mr S lived there once (San Fransisco), but he hasn't any urge to return, either. Oh, and FYI again: so drunk I didn't know what I was doing tends NOT to be so plugged-in she 5 minutes beforehand notices the sleeping other person needs a blankie and a tucking-in. What did she say? I think you already knew what you wanted to do, your husband was not home, saw an opportunity, and wanted to use being drunk as a cover story. Take action instead of ruminating in guilt. I didnt blame the alcohol because I knew I had feelings for my piano teacher, and I didnt want to pretend the feelings didnt exist. I could go on about a lot of things here. See "The 5 Ingredients of an Effective Apology"; you probably miss at least two of them when you apologize. Kissing a man, I've just got into over the past couple years. Hello, TheBestAdvice: Im glad you thought my post was intelligent and that you could relate to it. A couple of nights ago I went out to a work function. I'm 5 years married to my best friend. :-). How is that beneficial to him? 4. Be the adult here. he said if i started making out with another girl, hed be into it, but if i started getting carried away and disappearing with lover. Oh there really isn't any disagreement actually. Way to make someone who, already understands and feels terrible guilt for what they've done, feel chronically worse. PostedNovember 9, 2014 I'm taking it day by day. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking?
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