January 11, 2020 p. XX, Citation:Estes, Roberta and Marie Rundquist. See Business license Flyer Below. Sharron = Charron Jalbert=Hulburt Button = Boutain, Boutin, Chagnon = Shonyo Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/metis-identity-history-rights-explainer-1.5098585. Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but Ive also added a few from more recent generations. Maryland: M.A. Gaultier = Gotchy A number of names on the list would be immediately recognized as Acadian names everywhere Acadians have settled. Courchesne = Cushion Quenneville=Kenville McGregor | Algon., Chip., Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibway, McIvor, McIver | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Kwakiutl, Thompson, McKay, MacKay, McCay, McCoy | BC First Nations, Chipeweyan, Cree, Metis, Micmac, Ojibway, Saulteaux, Slavi, McKenzie | Metis, Cree, Mikmaq, Montagnais, French, McLean, Maclean, McLane | Algon.,Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Mixed, Ojibway, Sault., Seneca, Shushwap, Stoney, McLeod | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Ojibway, Saulteaux Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, McPherson, Macpherson | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Michel | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chippewyan, Cree, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Stony, Miller | Metis, BC, Chip., Cree, Malecite, Mikmaq, Iro., Mohawk, Six Nations, Tete de Boule (Atikamekw). Jourdain | Metis, Montagnais, Mixed-heritage: Fr., Montagnais, Ojib. There are several other mtDNA groups that include C1c kits, but I haven't, yet, felt the need to rely upon them. Fleury = Flowers St. Pierre | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Cree, Mont., Ojibway, Salish, Stoney, Fr. Julian | Chippewa, Cree, Montagnais,Mikmaq, Kelly | Metis, BC First Nations, Iroquois, Ojibway, Kennedy | Metis, Assiniboine, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Oneida, Sioux, King | Metis, Algonquin, BC Blackfoot, Chip., Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway, Ottawa, Saulteaux, Six Nation, Klyne | Metis, Chippewa, Cree, French,German, Lafleur | Metis, Cree, French,Iroquois, Lafontaine | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, Montagnais, Laforme | Chippewa, Iroquois, Mohawk, Mixed-heritage: Mohawk, Lafrance | Algonquin, Iroquois, Montagnais, Ochhippawa. The origin of our Acadian families, especially the oldest and largest among them, are but little known. Maloneys.ca includes information about the Maloney family, including William Moloney's in-laws (Johannes Becker m. Marie David). Mitchell | Metis, Algon., Chippewa,Iroq., Malecite, Mikmaq, Fr. Girouard = Girard/Gerard Your email address will not be published. Fuller = Fournier, Gaboury=Gabourie, Gabori, Gadourie There are frequent updates. Cree, Metis, Saulteaux FEB 2023, Hardy | Cree, Atlin (BC) First Nations, Ojibwa, Mixed-heritage:Scottish, Hebert | BC First Nations, Metis, Ojibway, Hill | BC, Cayuga, Chip., Delaware, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Onodaga, Six Nations, Hunt, Hunter | Metis, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Beaver, Blackfoot, Cree, Kwakiutl, Ojibway, Sioux, Skookym Chuck, Stoney, Ignace | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Ojibway. Could I somehow send you details? The information is primarily intended for non-indigenous people who are searching for historical family ties to First Nations peoples and who would like to answer this question: Has my surname ever been associated with the indigenous peoples of Canada and if so, with which peoples, and when and where?. Print. [https://www.familytreedna.com/public/AcadianAmerIndian?iframe=mtresults mtDNA Results], Accessed DATE., Citation:White, Stephen A. Gareau = Garrow Lucier, Lussier | Metis, Mixed: Cree, French, Martel | Metis, Algon., Chippewa, Esclave, Ojibway, Mixed, Martin | Metis, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Six Nations, Maurice | Carrier, Metis, Mikmaq, Okana | Surname Anchor Post FEB 2023. My genealogy was here in the new world as early as the 1500s. Jeangras, Jeangraw Dominic | BC First Nations,Mikmaq, Innu Mont. ADDRESS TO MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATIONS: 909.850.4362. Maloneys.ca, run by Dr Paul Maloney. Trudeau = Trudo Brazo, Brazot, Acadien, Cadien, Deslauriers, Duhamel, Gaudet, Langevin, Laniel, Desrochers, Desroches, Durocher, Lapierre, Laroche, Brosard, Brossar, Brossard, Brossart, Broussard, Duchesneau, Lafontaine, Langevin, Pontoise, Brouseau, Broussau, Brousseau, Brousseaux, Bruseau, Brusseau, Carrier, Duplessis, Laforet, Laroque, St-Antoine, Belhumeur, Bourbonnais, Dauphin, Lasabloniere, Ltang, Cahouet, Cahouette, Caouet, Caouete, Caouette, Campau, Campaut, Campeau, Campo, Campos, Campost, Campot, Bondy, Chevalier, Jacquet, Labont, Lefebvre, Mzire, Carbonau, Carboneau, Carboneaux, Carbonnau, Carbonneau, Carbonneaux, Carbono, Boutin, Chevalier, LHeureux, Leroux, Renaud, Theriault, Carignan, Carignant, Carignian, De Carignan, Deschamps, Desruisseaux, Dussault, Gauthier, Latulippe, Laviolette, Verret, Vidal, Cari, Carier, Cariere, Carri, Carrier, Carrire, Casavan, Casavent, Cazavan, Cazavant, Cazavent, Castongay, Castonguay, Castongue, Gastongay, Gastonguay, Chambellan, Chamberlan, Chamberland, Chamberlang, Champerlant, Chambrelan, Chambreland, Chambrelant, Andegrave, Aubin, Beaugrand, Dupr, Fontenelle, Foureur, Fugre, Gouin, Henault, Lalanne, Lambert, Laplante, Magnan, Orion, Rmy, St-Martin, Sylvestre, Tareau, Chapelain, Chapelin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chappelain, Bourg, Guyon, Janot, Jolicoeur, Langoumois, Renaud, Chapeu, Chappu, Chapput, Chapu, Chapue, Chapus, Chaput, Belhumeur, Chapa, Cuisinier, Maurice, Senez, Chabonneau, Charbonau, Charbonault, Charboneau, Charbonnau, Charbonneau, Charbonneaux, Daunais, Deouatique, Hbert, Lveill, Martin, Sanscartier, Blondeau, Desjardins, Seigneur, St-Laurent, Chasteauneuf, Chatauneuf, Chateauneuf, Cartoneuf, Antaya, Desranleau, Dumontet, Meneu, Montauban, Pelletier, Beaulieu, Bernet, Jouinne, Normand, St-Germain, Chomedey, Chomedy, Dechaumedey, Dechomeday, Dechomedy, Chambly, Labont, Lapointe, Lariviere, Leonard, Beaupr, Blanger, Buisson, Daumont, Fagnan, Lessard, Magny, St-Amour, Beaudreau, Bouilleron, Brusseau, DEstreme, Fordet, Garnier, Hugues, Hujot, Janet, LaFontaine, Marc, Rousse, Rousseau, Royer, Barette, Berthelot, Breslay, Perrault, Rossignol, Thibier, Fris, Grignon, Languedoc, Lefris, Lilois, Beaumont, Deschnes, Desecors, Desilets, Desprs, Dupuis, Lafleur, Lepine, Lilois, Abraham, Baret, Billy, Cadieux, Desmarais, Herault, Lefebvre, Piette, St-Michel, Cousinau, Cousinault, Cousinaut, Cousineau, Cousino, Cousinot, Couzinaud, Babin, Bourgault, Corbin, Defoy, Fevrier, Gamelin, Hubert, Langevin, Lefebvre, Roberge, Thibodeau, Corteau, Crauteau, Crotau, Croteau, Croto, Crottau, Crotteau, Crotto, Cir, Cire, Cyr, Cyre, Sir, Sire, Siree, Sirre, Syr, Syre, Dagenais, Dagenai, Dagenes, Dagenest, Dagenet, Leprince, Lajeunesse, Lepine, Pigeon, Roux, Roy, Dalair, Dalaire, Dalere, Dallaire, Daller, Dallere, Dechaine, Dechene, Dechenes, Dechenne, Dechesne, Deschaine, Deschaines, Deschene, Deschenes, Deschennes, Deschesne, Deschesnes, Deletancour, Demousel, Languedoc, Paradis, Pelletier, Derocher, Derochers, Desrocher, Desrochers, Desrochets, Dehais, Dehayes, Dehays, Dehes, Deshaies, Deshayes, Beaudin, Charbonnier, Delboeuf, Louvard, Roy, Verger, Zacharie, Bertrand, Duquet, Houde, Jean, Perrault, Sevestre, Devau, Devaux, Deveau, Deveaux, Devost, Devot, Devots, Jolicoeur, Parisien, Perouard, Sanscartier, Deslauriers, Desprs, Dumontier, Dutilly, Guyon, Lemoine, Sansoucy, Bernier, Devidepoche, Jolicoeur, Moreau, Sansoucy, Guyon, Deroin, Derouen, Derouin, Droin, Drouen, Drouin, Breton, DeBlaignac, Foulon, Grossetete, Gueret, Lambert, Laviolette, Marchand, Poitevin, Aimar, Aimard, Aimart, Aymar, Aymard, Aymart, Emart, Haimard, Haymard, Hemard, Hemart, Deslauriers, Gosselin, Ladouceur, Poitevin, Belanger, Blais, Bourget, Clrinm Durivage, Lamadeleine, Lamontagne, Laprairie, Philippe, Pont, Lajeunesse, Lalancette, Laperiere, Larose, Montferrand, Raymond, Charon, Cloutier, Desrosiers, Dufay, Failly, Mandeville, Martin, Piette, Blais, Forget, Goddu, Granger, Labont, Mignault, Paquet, Farland, Ferlan, Ferlant, Frelan, Freland, Frelan, Barbeau, Benoit, Jean, Joli, Labranche, Larose, Lefort, Morin, Tessier, Tiriac, Bellefontaine, Lafortune, Lagrandeur, Paris, Plermel, Belleval, Desilets, Dufresne, Hebert, Lagrenade, Larose, Lesprit, Prfontaine, Vivier, Gagnion, Gaignon, Gangnon, Ganion, Gasnion, Galipau, Galipaux, Galipot, Gallipau, Gallipeau, Galypo, Gaudais, Gaud, Gaudet, Gaudette, God, Godet, Godete, Godette, Gaudereau, Gaudrau, Gaudreau, Gaudro, Goderau, Godereau, Godreau, Godro, Boisverdun, Brulon, Caron, Delaverandrye, DeVarennes, Frappedabord, LaFrance, Landreville, Larouche, Rabot, Saguingorra, St-Germain, Archambault, Beaudoin, Beausejour, Dupuis, Harnois, Houde, Houle, Parisien, Rivard, Servais, Talbot, Gamelin, Hubert, Jeangource, Rivard, St-Franois, Gerard, Geraut, Gerhart, Giar, Girardeau, Girard, Girare, Girart, Girord, Girore, Girouard, Giard, Guerard, Gyrard, Breton, Brindamour, Derain, Devorlay, Girardin, Jeanpierre, Jolicoeur, Larochelle, Miot, Provenal, Sanschagrin, Geroir, Gerroir, Giouard, Giroir, Girroir, Jirouard, Gaudain, Gauden, Gaudin, Godain, Goddin, Godin, Beausejour, Boisjoli, Catalogne, Chatillon, Felix, Lapoterie, Lauliere, Lincourt, Prescot, Tourangeau, Valcourt, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudro, Godereau, Godrault, Godreault, Godro, Godrot, Goodrow, Guibau, Guibaut, Guibeau, Guibo, Guilbau, Guilbaud, Guilbault, Guilbaux, Guilbeau, Guillebault, Guillbeau, Dion, Dionne, Gion, Guillon, Guion, Guyon, Gyon, Yon, Buisson, Desprs, Dumontier, Durouvray, Dutilly, Frenette, Lemoine, Abaire, Abare, Abbot, Ebart, ber, bert, Heber, Heberd, Hbere, Hebert, Herber, Herbert, Hesbert, Hibbart, Hubert, Beaumont, Couillard, Deslauriers, Jolicoeur, Lambert, Larose, Laverdure, Lecompte, Lenoir, Manuel, Henrichon, Jarry, Laforge, Lahaye, Neveu, Madore, Bellefeuille, Blosse, Bonin, Demers, Derousseau, Desrochers, Desruisseaux, Gervais, Houle, Leclerc, Desruisseaux, Durocher, Gervais, Lafranchise, Janson, Jansonne, Jeanson, Jeansone, Johnston. Quesse=Caisse, Rabtoy/Robtoy = Robitaille I am currently working with Cindy Borque on the Capela line, with the intention of working through the generations toward the David sisters. Lavigne = Lev(i)en(e), Laveen The descendants of Guillaume Capela and Unknown Mi'kmaq have largely been residents of Gaspe, and Restigouche in N.B. French-Canadian, Acadian, Cajun & metis surnames sites & bibliography. Simard | Cree, Montagnais, Cree, Montagnais,French, Simon | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Inuit, Iroquois, Malecite, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Ojibway, Sioux, Simpson | Metis, Algonquin, American Indian, BC First Nations, Cree, Iro., Mont., Ojibwa, English, Smith | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Cree, Iroq., Mikmaq, Ojibway, Oneida, Peigan, Saul, Solomon | BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroq., Malecite, Metis, Ojib., Salish, Spence / Spencer | Metis, Iroq., Cree, Ojib., Saulteaux, Stevens, Stephens (&var.) Savard | Metis, Cree, Mixed heritage: Montagnais. Laflin = Lafleur Davis | Metis, Assin., BC, Cayuga, Iroq., Mohawk, Oneida, Onon., Salt. Penobscots and Abekani were found in the early settlements of Acadie, in southern New Brunswick and what is now Maine. Tremblay = Trombley Fax: (510) 817-1894. Gibeau(lt) = Gebo(w), Jebo(w) Maliseet & Micmac Acadian-Indian Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Church Records Agamabiche, Jean Baptiste Baptized: 1807.1.25 Age/Birthdate: 1806.12 Parents: Laurent Agamabiche and Marie Genevieve Godin Priest: MA Amiot Register: St. Basile, Madawaska Witnesses: Nicolas Godin and Marie Michel Notes: 'sauvages' Source: 190, , F1730 Terrien = Therrien In French. Login to post. Corbeau = Corbo | Metis, Abenaki, BC First Nations, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Picard | Metis, Abenaki, Iroquois, Malecite, Montagnais, Abenaki, Pierre | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Algon., Cree, Monta., Ojib., Salish, Stoney, Pigeon | Ojibway, Saulteaux, First Nations, Poitras | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Prosper | BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Proulx | Metis, Chippewa, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Rainville | Metis, Abenaki, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Recollet | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Ottawa Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Richard | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Robert, Roberts | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Mikmaq, Cree, Mistassini (Cree), Ojibway, Robillard | Metis, Saulteaux, Mixed heritage, Robinson | Metis, Algon., BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojib., Chip., Cree, Roy | Cree, Metis, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Ottawa. Couteau | Indigenous, Metis, French, Cree,Iro. Jeangra(s)w = Gingras Founding Mothers of Acadia - Acadian Ancestral Home by Lucie Consentino. Scott | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, I Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway. Noleggio; Soppalchi in carpenteria metallica; Scaffalature cantilever I expect to be using mostly mtDNA Confirmations from Mothers of Acadia and from Quebec mtDNA. Contenu historique et gnealogique: vrif par Roger Guitard, Denis Savard, Victorin Mallet et Audrey Waltner. Many Mi'kmaq were given first names by the French. November 18, 2020 TO APPLY ONLINE: For more information. Co-Administrators Cousineau = Cousino Acadian, Metis, Cajun and others of French Heritage. There is also a name beside hers that I am assuming that it is her last name. The list is not comprehensive. I compiled the following list of Acadian surnames along with dit names (surname nicknames) from the following Acadian website where you can view which ancestral families were recorded in various census documents including 1671, 1686, 1714 and a deportation list from 1755. Clment Drolet Willet(te) = Ouellette, Yandow=Guindon Native women did not use the title "Princess"[1]. It involves changing an ancestor's identity to fit one's current desire to shift. Teboh = Thibeau Desport = Desparts Spelling variations and dit names for the names on the right will be found where each of these names appears in the column on the left (first column). Laroe = Lareau/Larrow [http://www.acadian-home.org/Mikmaq.html Marriage List]. Private Messages: Good luck to everyone in your search for your ancestors of whatever heritage. Ttreault = Tatro People of Mi'kmaq descent (or any known or unknown tribe) may be known as First Peoples no matter how thin the blood goes down through descendants. Evelyn, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Patenaude = Patno(de) Names Renaud/Renault = Reno Lavoie = Levoy Bouthillier = Butler Laflamme=Laflim I hope someone will be able to help you with your query. She was married to Francois Pilon; I believe his middle name was Xavier. A mirror project (Quebec mtDNA Project) focuses on the other hand on signatures inherited from female pioneers (please find under the MT GEOGRAPHICAL PROJECTS tab).". Who issued the card? Trudo = Trudeau Nevertheless, the exceptions to this rule are perhaps more interesting than those conforming to the norm. Now Through Feb 14th. Levoy = Lavoie For genealogical purposes the absence for the early period of the records of marriages, or marriage contracts which normally form the most reliable sources of such information, is the chief difficulty one encounters. Goodroe = Godreau/Gaudreau Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but I've . Taylor = Tailleur Fields = Deschamps Grgoire = Grigwire Our censuses, beginning in 1671, permit us to reconstruct the first three or four generations of each of our principal families, but they provide no information, contrary to the censuses of Plaisance and some later enumeration, for example, regarding origins, except in very exceptional instances. When their Last Name at Birth is Unknown or not documented, they should be given the name of their tribal affiliation, in many cases that would be Mi'kmaq. Jacobs | BC, Cayuga, Chip., Cree, Delaware, Iroquois, Nakota Seneca, Oneida, Sioux, Six Nations, Tusc. Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763) (dissertation)[https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/002/MR93167.pdf Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763 thesis], Butler = Bouthillier Derry, Deary Bernier | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Bisson, Besson | Metis, Cree Mixed-heritage, Blandion (Dion, Dionne) | Metis, Cree, Iroquois. At what point does the Acadia project not include people in Gaspe? Unfortunately, none of these three parishes just named, had all of its records and no registers survived at all for Cobeguit, the two churches at Pisiquit, the Rivire-aux-Canards, Chipoudy, the Pointe-de-Beausjour, Tintamarre, Chebogue, or any of the lesser missions of old Acadia. 8839 N. Cedar Ave. #212, Fresno, CA, 93720. Laviolette = Lovelette Founding Mothers of Acadia - Acadian Ancestral Home, https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/quebecmtdna/about. Steve Gilbert (Z367 subclades) Groulx = Grew So, it seems that there is some overlap between Acadia and Quebec. Sometimes their actual surname is known, occasionally they were given a name, and even more often their surname is Unknown. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. "The Project is not limited to roots from France, though. Among these exceptional families of Basque origin (Arosteguy, Bastarache, Ozelet) as well as one that is Spanish (Gousman) and two that are Portuguese (Mirande, Rodrigue). Sometimes their actual surname is known, occasionally they were given a name, and even more often their surname is Unknown. Desnoyers=Hickory Audet(te) = Odet(te) December 10, 2019 Identification on WikiTree The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project conducts ongoing research to verify their origins. This was the first (1991) Acadian-Cajun resource site on the internet. Bean = Lefebvre Limit 20 per day. Accessed DATE.
put verbiage from individuals entry here
, Citation: Jean, Denis. Cousino = Cousineau Stephen White reported Franoise [elided] had an H1 haplogroup, indicating European origins. = Claude Crgheur Lafloor = Lafleur We aren't trying to document all Gaspesians, New Brunswick or metis people. citing (underlying source)
put verbiage here
. = Accessed DATE, Citation:White, Stephen A. Thibeau = Teboh As major contributors to the Canadian colonial project, these explorers helped Canada open up lands that were unknown, undiscovered and open to appropriation by Acadian "Mtis" voyageurs. Guindon=Yandow I'll put them into the draft of the DNA page I sent you, as this page is for Acadian metis research. Acadia-Mtis Mothers. Hello Shelley, this is Evelyn the same person leaving comments in the Facebook group I would need to know what type of Metis card that your siblings have? Buskey = Bousquet Reno = Renault/Renaud Gonyea = Gagn Levick = Levesque Lafleur = Lafloor, Laflour, Laf(f)ler, Lef(f)ler, Lof(f)ler, Laflin Pariseau = Parizo Click here to go to MyHeritage to get started today! Laflour = Lafleur For your reference, the Metis (with a capital M) are based in the West, and in Ontario. Launcto = Lanctt If your Bertrand line traces back to Canada chances are your Bertrands will have Metis, but dont take me by my word alone check everything out real good. Bolduc = Bolduke Parenteau = Paronto Bernard | Metis, Algon., Chippewa, Maliseet, Micmac, Abenaki, Cree, Iroq., Fr. Louis Couc-Montour, (Fur Trader) m. Madeleine Sacokie (Indian) Jean Fafard-Macouce (Fur Trader) & Marguerite Josette Couc-Lafleur, (Mtis) Champlain, Qc. Flowers = Fleury Maliseet) Mixed-heritage: Cree, Charles | Metis, BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroq., Mikmaq, Mont., Ojibwa, Oneida, Onondaga, Six Nations, Chartrand | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Chevrier, Chevalier | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage, Christie | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Cleary | Montagnais, Mixed-heritage FEB 2023, Colin | Metis, Chippewayan, Cree, French, Ojibway, Collard | Innu Montagnais, Mixed Montagnais,French, Commandant | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Iroquois, Mixed: French, Cooper | BC First Nations (inc. Cowichan, Taupsham), Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, FEB 2023, Corbiere / Corbier | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway. Bousquet = Buskey ), Fill in the verbiage pertaining to that person in the blockquote, Fill in the page number for the specific entry and a quote of the relevant information plus any underlying source that was used, Fill in the page number for the specific entry, Enter the date you accessed this, and a page number where found. Como = Comeau Bonenfant = Goodchild Peartree = Patry = Poirier Each nation reaches its own judgement about membership based on its own nations knowledge, traditions and community circumstances. Lof(f)ler = Lafleur if you need to email me, you can reach me at, Tammy.Daub@icloud.com, Looking for Latanville, Botineau or contois. Larocque = Larock, LaRock Germain Lejeune and his family were among the last to settle at the Baie-des-Espagnols, having arrived in the early fall of 1750. This is on my fathers mothers side, I am tracing my fathers paternal side and found out that I have in the Robin side Metis going back to Kaskaskia Il. Gonyeau = Gagnon Rockford = Rochefort Mor(r)o(w) = Moreau 1680. Demers=Dumas Includes annexes. True Acadian Period: 1604-1755 Surnames Demarais = Demarey Levesque = Levick Additionally, there are two other Maloney yDNA testers whose kits are on FTDNA, but have not (yet) joined the Quebec ADNy project. In the time of Acadie the French used the word mtis to describe someone of mixed French and indigenous ancestry. Benoit = Benway On the early end, we include spouses of Acadians even if they were Amerindienne or metis. 1703. ARCADIAN HEALTH PLAN, INC. NPI is 1598910549. Parizo = Pariseau Young = Lajeunesse, Dion(ne). We do not assign names ourselves. This group is for sharing genealogy, family stories, ph See more Private Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Danis = Dany, Downey Drouin = Derouin Lafave = Bean, Lefave Lambert | Metis, Cree, Chippewa, Cree,Mikmaq, Landry | Metis, BC First Nations, Cree, Slavi / Esclave, Langevin | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, French, Lapierre | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: French, Laplante | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Cree, French, Laporte | Abenaki, Cree, Malecite, Mixed heritage, Latour | Algonquin, Iroquois, Mixed heritage, Laurent | Abenaki, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Montagnais. Yes, youre 100% correct, the Sasseville surname goes way back Iroquois, Montagnais, Ojib., Saulteaux, Ledoux | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Lemire | Cree, Ojjibwa, Mixed heritage: Cree, French, Lepine | Cree, Iroquois Mixed: Cree, French, Scottish, Letellier / Tellier | Metis, Mixed: Cree, Logan | Metis, BC, Cree, Delaware, Mikmaq, Munsee, Onondaga, Seneca, Six Nations, Longlade, Langlade | Metis, Mixed-heritage, Louis | Abenaki, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Ojibway, Salish, Saultaux, Shushwap, Squamish. Hello,friends. The Sasseville surname has not popped up to often in my research so that micropost hasnt been created. Bruneau, Bruno | Cree, Metis, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Chipewyan, Cameron | Metis, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Ojibway, Cardinal | Metis, Cree, Iroquois, Mixed-heritage: French, Scottish, Caron | Metis, First Nations, Mixed-heritage: Cree, French, Carpenter, Charpentier | Metis, BC First Nations, Cree, Ojibway, Six Nations, Carriere | Metis, Cree, Mikmaq, Chippewa, Cartier / Chartier | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: French, Cayen, Cayer (Caille, Cahier) | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage, Chalifoux | Metis, Algonquin, Cree Mixed-heritage: Cree, French, Champagne | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Iroquois, Charette, Charest | Metis, Slavi / Slavey, First Nations (poss. Maurice Germain, "Genetic genealogy offers new avenues for the history of populations through the sustained development of powerful scientific tools. Spring = Fontaine Boileau = Drinkwater Even before this spirit spread to Mexico, California felt the effects of the rebellions, for Spain's hard-pressed navy could not spare ships to bring supplies to the missions, presidios, and pueblos north of San Diego. Eventually the name became Acadia. Landry = Laundry Shangraw = Gingras Garrow = Gareau Dry=DeRye, DHery, Letourneau = Litno, Turner October 23, 2022 Gotchy = Galtier Greenia = Grenier History & Genealogy of Acadians on the Acadian Coast and Bayou Lafourche Basin of Louisiana. Establishing an ancestral signature actually requires a minimum of two relevant participants. Categories to add Ind. Laviolette | Metis, Chipewyan, Slavi, Mixed, Leclair, Leclerc | Metis, Algon., Amer. Denno = Denault Potvin = Pudvah Required fields are marked *. August 21, 2020 Lovelette = Laviolette Landreville = Lunderville Marie-Louise MINET, Amerindien from Red River, married Charles ROY 15 February 1802. [https://www.familytreedna.com/public/AcadianAmerIndian?iframe=yresults Y-DNA Results], Accessed DATE., Citation:Estes, Roberta and Marie Rundquist. Rundquist, 2012. Cooper | BC First Nations (inc. Cowichan, Taupsham), Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Daniel, Daniels | BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Salish, Saulteaux, Sioux, Atikamekw / Tete de Boule, Denis, St. Denis + | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Malecite / Maliseet, Desjarlais | Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Saulteaux, Sioux, Stoney, Edward, Edwards | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Metis, Ojibway, Slavi / Slavey, Stony, Elliott | BC First Nations, Bella Coola, Chippewa, Mohawk, Nishga / Nisgaa, Ojibway, Salish, Six Nations, Favel | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Salteaux / Saulteaux, Fletcher | BC First Nations, Cree, Mohawk, Metis, Ojibway, Salish, Goulet | Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Slavey (Goolay), Maurice | Carrier, Metis, Mikmaq, Okana | Surname Anchor Post.
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