Clyde calls him a cheater for using a cat in his video, so Koffsky agrees to a rematch, ready for whatever hell throw at him next. The final recipe fragment is in none other than Donald Mulligans file. As if to answer her prayers, Mike walks into the coffee shop. Ben will ask for a Mojito Soda to tell you how he got the money to buy the mansion. *: Donald, Fernando( 25), Donald , , 5 Fernando , x1 Mike Jennifer, Jennifer , , , x1 Even gave her one of her thirteen engagement rings she's stolen. Koffsky needs to calm his nerves with Tea with Saffron, Milk and Honey. You discover that Olivia is currently working for Felicia Sturm, who's married to a young man named Alphonse, but it turns out he's in cahoots with Felicia's ex-husband and they are trying to steal her fortune. In the end, there was only enough money to buy one new ball. Elsa asks for Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose. She stormed out, but not before threatening to have him fired. Afterwards he tells you that Newton carried the baby to the crib but there was a roll of thunder outside and the robot shut down. Gold gift from Olivia, and 1.000.000 star points (it's on upper left side on the screen, what dya call it?) Bill agrees to help again, but asks for a Vanilla Ice Matcha Latte. While hes brainstorming with Koffsky on what to do, he asks you to try and convince Henry, otherwise theyre all doomed. Tip: When talking with Cleo, think about gems! During the hypnosis, Watson starts to remember that he was attacked by someone looking like Koffsky. With Margaret's help Jennifer plans to get into the archives of the mayor's fund and exposes it as a scam. He witnessed two robbers in his house and they locked him in a closet, debating what to do with him, when Clyde comes in and saves the day. Clyde snapped at him, saying it was a new song, and, to twist the knife even more, Simone piped in and said that style of music went out of fashion in the mid-1970s. He asks you to check on them to see if theyre all right, but it looks like the newlyweds may be out of their honeymoon phase. Bill scores the decisive goal during his first match and Mary agrees to go on a second date. Rewards: 5 gems from Ben after you help him write down his curriculum; 3 gems from Ben when you suggest him new answers for job interviews; 1 gem when he started working as a correspondent. Koffsky is pleased with his new neighbor and tells you Clyde isnt too grumpy as long as you get enough coffee in him. He was able to win once after seeing through his opponents tactics and beat them. In the end, Mary and Bill hangs out with another couple who has a baby. With a little prodding, Jennifer agrees to give the mischievous ex-mayor a job at the mayors office, if only to keep him from getting into any more trouble. The police unfortunately never caught the culprits at either incident. He goes with Daisys suggestion to continue working on the quest and in the process, perhaps work things out with Emily. Emily asks Ben to help him out with some "charity" work in the end. Elsa tells you she fell in love when a book by an attractive author fell out of a shelf and into her hands. Margaret is utterly convinced that the foundation is linked to some kind of scam. Both Jennifer and Mike refuse to back down however, deciding theyll just have to be a little more sneaky in how they go about things. Level 11: Humor Coaching & the theft of Mona Lisa, Level 15: Green Moon Fund & Mayoral Election, Theft of the Mona Lisa II & The Telephone Terrorist. Now you need to find a place for him to perform, you suggest getting Ron to agree to hold the concert at his teams stadium. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando - Margaret has other plans, however, and traps Jennifer in the locker room, snatching her phone away before the marathon even begins! He tells you a story of how he became a policeman. Bill finally starts to think its him thats making Mary so distant, and for good reason since hes been chatting with another woman online, a user who goes by NoDitt99, although he didnt find out she was a woman until later. You'll help him in the journey. She suggests they ask a focus group of women between the ages of 35-50 to choose a winner between him and Clyde. Talk to Margret. You report the scam artist to Watson, who tells you he has a feeling someone is about to get arrested. He accuses Tony for stealing his wife and plans to get rid of the robot. Although theyve decided to meet up, its to say goodbye, because theyre both married and both love their significant others. Went to a wedding event with Mary recently. Kevin has a mysterious girlfriend from abroad named Nicki (level 23). Your choice whether to get the Red Gift or just take the Gold Gift. Soon Ben lets us know that he's fallen head over heels for Mary and that he would like to surprise her by proposing marriage. Next time she comes to the shop, she'll ask for someone to keep a lookout at her house for the admirer. The police officer says hell search through the police archives while the programmer says hell try hacking the hospitals records to see if anything turns up. Donald thinks that your customer survey wont be complete until you talk to Jennifer. He says Olivia is holding a grudge from their bad break-up. Make her a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for inspiration. On her cupcake break, Margaret says she used to be hired by museum owners to steal from them so they could isolate weak points in their security systems, and it seems she was hired by the museum again to do just that! Meeting Emily for the first time, you find out shes an advertising agent. After some asking around, the question came up if Leopold had any other wives before Elsa. You can get a 1 free Gold spice if you answer Rons questions correctly. He confessed about cracking the safe and went to jail but he did not say a word about Charlie. Note: There is no penalty for incorrectly answering any of the riddles. When Koffsky introduced himself he mentioned he used to own a caf but that someone slandered his reputation as a chef and that he was simply unable to work under those conditions any longer. It seems like Watson is in need of romantic adventure and he'd like to ask a woman out on a date. new episode: magic book and skeleton in the closet In the beginning. Talk to Bill, he is worried about something his mom said. He decides to stand by Alice's side no matter what. You quickly learn this universe is much different than the one youre used to. They finally called him to open a safe. He only sustained minor injuries, but Emily was surprised that Lucas saved her. Mary knows nothing about the Green Moon foundation, but she evidently isnt keen on the mayor himself. He was able to sing the song to her, though, and although they arent meant to be, he says a weight has been lifted off his chest. frozen french bread dough. Once you talk to Watson, if you qualified for Gold Gift, he will also offer you a Red Gift for 899 diamonds. The cop agrees to share the details over a cup of Coffee with Cardamom. I do not not know whof to choose. Bill wasn't lying about the bird flying in through the window. Clyde is going to adopt Emily as his daughter and put down roots in the town. Bill says he'll propose with the ultimate marriage proposal. Mary asks for a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise and tells you that while trying to compete with the robot, Bill has hurt his foot. He becomes Chloe's boyfriend. She believe she's cursed since even before she went there. Buy Forest Berries Refrigerator for 198,000 coins and parfait machine for 462,000 coins. Carl also agrees to lend Alice his surfboard in exchange for you buying a "chosen style" menu. Atfer moving in with Lucas, Emily teaches Lucas the art of advertising and Lucas helps her with preparations to give a lecture, which resulted in not only grants, but new ideas. Bill is perfectly happy with his relationship with Mary, especially since he discovered the secret to a perfect relationship: each person has to have their own computer. The corporate monger changed the story to where Cleo isnt dating Clyde anymore, just like shed asked, but he says stopping the scandal entirely would have made Cleos popularity plummet. When you ask Felicia about it, shes in a frenzy trying to get everything ready for her mother whos coming to town to visit. After some time, Watson arrives, visibly confused. He thinks Clyde Bowen can help set her up with another gig. As part of the level 28 Corporation story you have to either sell the cafe to Fernando and lose 25 gems or sell for one coin to Donald. He thinks Carl could be of help considering his criminal past and the antique dealer suggests setting up surveillance cameras to catch the thief in action with the help of Bill. As Felicia's magazine sales declines, you suggest a charity party to draw attention. Doesn't talk to Mary as much as she'd like because Mary's focused on career. They need your help with the following: After Bill and Mary's wedding, Petrovich and Felicia decide to move in together. The programmer says if it wasnt for Rons tricks during their chess match, he probably wouldve lost against his opponent since he tried to distract Bill the entire match. Lucas has also already finished Stage 1 on his own, but as Emily puzzled over the logarithm he came up with for more than an hour, she starts thinking they may need some new riddles that their customers will actually be able to figure out. When you talk to Henry, he thinks that theres a prankster in their midst. Because of this, he tries dating. Ginseng: 2-5. He reveals that hes bought a lot of gadgets and turned his home into a smart house, complete with Simone, a virtual assistant. When Petrovich goes to furnish the newly painted living room, he finds a table already there that Felicias mother had bought. She tells you that Mary thinks putting the ring in a drink is romantic. Which floor does the lift to most?? Tip: Ron wins his match once other the customers have trained him, so bet against him for the first 3 matches (against Raging Beavers, Wild Oysters, and Invincible Salmon) and for him on the 4th match (against Lightning Sloths) to get your diamonds back. Whether to calm his anxiety or to fulfill his latest celebrity whim, Clyde asks you for a Muffin before he meets with his daughter. The final room that needs renovating is the basement which is flooded in soda. All he needs is some confidence and maybe a little push, so you suggest that he writes Mary a note. Talk to Felicia - Needs Tea with Guarana, Ginseng, Lemon and Mint. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:13:48 Game Questions & Answers. Margaret suggests that he's under scopolamine's influence, but is it possible? But it turns out, in this parallel universe, Rons team stopped playing soccer and now plays basketball. He gave her the statuette he made for her and it turns out shes a huge fan of Petronia Sledges work! After some back and forth, you learn that Petrovich made quite and impression at the party but that Felicia's bosses asked her to choose between her job and Petrovich. Mary gives you a blue gift after the wedding rehearsal fiasco. The musician is amazed that this whole time shes only been an hour away, and he leaves the shop immediately to go find her. When you confront Margaret, she already knows what youre going to ask about. U receive a mail. The player convinces her to do so and get to decide whom she will vote for and thus who wins the election. When you talk to him, Lucas is heavily in denial and insists its simply for a scientific experiment; theres no feelings of love, only chemical reactions. He asks you to see what impresses your female customers when it comes to men so he can analyze their responses, then he heads off to plan the perfect date for Mary. He will do anything for you to help him, even give you a Gold Gift. Just in case, here's a brief: ~ for Ron's dream, (1) Ron is at the edge of the forest; (2) he looks up and sees a full moon; (3) the moon flies over the horizon ~ for Mary Ditt's dream, (1) Mary is standing in a crowd by the side of the road; (2) she sees some beautiful peacocks; (3) an electric shaver appears and shaves the peacocks bare ~ for Petrovich's dream, (1) Petrovich is riding a boat down a river and sees a flock of penguins; (2) one of the penguins tells him there's a treasure at the bottom of the river; (3) Petrovich finds a diamond at the bottom of the river. Daisy had told Petrovich theres a drainage system built into their home, so ask her for the blueprints. The payphone was near an old abandoned house, though, but Henry needs Bills help to look into its owner: Penelope Wise. The mayor has set up the Green Moon foundation, collecting money to plant greenery on the Moon. Emily thinks they might have a chance and admits she wouldnt know what to do if she had been in his situation: in love with two different people in different universes. When they get back, Mike tells you that Cleos music video saved him, but he needs a Turkish Coffee with Grenadine Syrup because hes so exhausted from community service. She agrees to share the findings with you as soon as you treat her to some Tea with Galangal, Milk and Caramel. Note: There is no penalty for incorrectly answering any of the questions. If you convince Elsa not to tell Clyde about his real daughter, Mary, she agrees that telling him and Mary would only lead to heartbreak. She admits that she has a problem with speaking nonsense when being excited. Donalds property values have plummeted and hes hit rock bottom. Henry thinks their friend is the one who has been acting as the ghost the entire time, but the coffee connoisseur denies it. Rewards: 1 gem from Elsa after you buy the sconces; 1 gem from Clyde; 3 gems from Bill. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando - Rewards: Two diamonds from Mary, pink gift from Mary IF you choose a white dress or dinner jacket, and another pink gift from Bill IF you choose either superhero costume. While visiting Emily's office, Lucas's almost caused a fight between him and Emily's coworkers. When you speak with Mary, you find that she feels the same way about Bill, except for one little thing: for some reason the programmer gets very shy around her friend Elsa. Rewards: 10 diamonds, 3500 Prestige Points, 1 Simple Gift for the Fish Tank and 1 Blue Gift for keeping him on the right path from Petrovich. He wants to destroy your coffee shop. He also has some bad news: they werent able to fit 34 monitors down at the police station and had to reduce it down to 2, one of which is being used by his boss to play Tetris. She wants you to ask your customers if they know any unusual love stories she can use to inspire the anthology shes writing for her mysterious crush, who has invited her on a walk through the park. He will ask for Spring cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron. Koffsky returns from the cook-off, looking uncomfortable. He asks for a Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose. Say you won't say a word about his mistake to anyone if he helps you. He says its the same as Koffsky using a cat in his video to cheat, so he tells you hes challenged Koffsky once again to decide who is better. Heartbroken and feeling used, she tells Lucas hes dead to her and rushes out. Koffsky accidentally activated jet engines installed in the surfboard and almost got into a terrible accident again. He tells you that he's worried for Michaela's life and some stolen diamonds. New equipment: Mixer (Cost: 7.5 million coins), Simple machine costs 2.5 million coins. Mary is perfectly happy and Clyde is, too, now that hes found Emily. Max first appeared during the 2018 Coffee Fest Event then came back for later events. Answer from: MightyBearYou'll get the cafe back and 5diamonds from Donald. It turns out theyre on the same page when Mike decides to stay and continue as Cleos producer. If they pick Jennifer she becomes the new mayor. Requirements: Ice Tea for Bill, Cupcake With Cinnamon and Anise for Margaret. Carl gives Watson a note but Watson thinks it's not enough evidence so he creates a plan to sneak into Mr. Fisk's hotel room with help from the cafe customers. Even without the mirror, Koffsky is still worried, convinced that Bloody Penny is back to finish the job. Donald was able to help the other guys solve their problems and rediscovered psychology. Petrovich was arrested. When you talk to the construction worker, he agrees to look in his fathers old garage for a Cupcake with Berries, Maple Syrup and Saffron. or Fernando for 25 diamonds. After Koffsky introduced him to Simone, Clyde played the new song he had written. Throwing a huge party might help her since it worked for her roommate back in college, and Jennifer asks you to talk to Cleo. But the construction worker has some horrible news: the fountain that was in their basement has gone missing and Petrovich is convinced it was Felicias mother. Fernando tells you that all the neighboring towns are competing and the town council is counting on Jennifer to get them to the #1 spot. The cosy atmosphere of this place makes customers feel relaxed and have a nice time. He is rude and grumpy. A very short event in which Carl remembers his first (very odd) encounter with Margaret. He asks for a Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom and to tell Watson to only call him when theres an emergency. The cop wants to give the perpetrator a detailed explanation of why it isnt nice to hit on-duty police officers in the head with shovels. While the news is hard to swallow for both Clyde and Emily, they decide that they dont care about formalities. She asks you for a Raf with Nutmeg and Rose before she tells you her story. Cleo is feeling miserable because her phone is broken. The DJ is currently planning a crazy outdoor party. Stories | My Caf Wiki | Fandom Until the time machine is finished, Henry offers to tell you how he pranked his friends back in school for a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron. She also tells you that she and Lucas are getting along really well. Watson can't quite prove it yet, but getting Bill to confess may mitigate his punishment. Rewards: Pink Gift from Watson, 15 diamonds and Saffron from Koffsky, Requirements: 2 Galangal Teas for Petrovich, Maxi Cappuccino with Ginseng for Bill, Maneki-Neko for Cleo, Requirements: Turkish Coffee with Cardamon for Elsa, Cappuccino with Nutmeg, Ice and Chocolate for Margaret, Hot Chocolate with Ginseng and Lemon for Bill, Fireplace for Koffsky, Rewards: Pink Gift from Fernando, Simple Gift from Cleo, 15 diamonds from Watson, Requirements: Tea with Galangal, Milk and Caramel for Mary, Requirements: Invigorating Tea for Clyde, Iced Latte for Clyde, Vanilla Frapp for Watson, White Hot Chocolate for Margaret. Left with no other choice, Cleo decides to create a scene and cause her own scandal. Jennifer ends up taking Petrovichs steamroller in search of Fernando, who tells you she did an amazing presentation. While Jennifer thinks shes won, Mike has some surprising news: Cleo finished shooting her music video in secret thanks to Mike keeping all of Jennifers attention on him. He decides to return Bill's computer instead even though this makes him look like a fool. Olivia also claims that Mike serves bad food. She wants Elsa to use her story as a cautionary tale to warn others about whats really important in life. Margaret asks for a sofa in exchange for providing you with an exotic animal (a sloth). His reunion with his parents doesnt seem to be going great until they catch a whiff of the cinnamon buns that Watson baked. She states that even if you repair a broken cup, the scar remains. Her ex-husband only ever gave her two presents: the necklace and Clyde Bowen performing at their wedding. So, Elsa asks for your help to decide on if, and how, to tell Mary about her real father; but she has to reveal that to Clyde too! Then she agrees to date him. Alice has decided to get into something extreme and has chosen diving. The pink gift from Felicia was the one handed out last, after the other storyline had started (Felicia and the charity event). At level 4 Bill revealed he had been in love with Mary Ditt for 2 years. Asks for Tea with Guarana, Cinnamon, and Lemon to calm his nerves. The more people live on it. She even managed to get hired by Felicia after writing an article about some of the furniture on the yacht they were on. Elsa isnt able to find the bed at Carls shop or any of the antique shops in town, but Lucas says hes made a new and improved version of a 3D printer that has the ability to print furniture, he only needs some history about the piece. Emily wants to make Lucas more familiar with her job and Lucas agrees to try Emily's plan. With Henry finally on board and believing in the ghost, Koffskys next plan of action is to contact Bloody Penny through a spirit board. *Notice* -The following article contains spoilers. The villain Alex Delorge is back in town, and apparently, he is an old friend of Ryan's. He begs you to talk to Watson since hes worried the town will never trust him again, but the cop knew all along that Donald was just pretending and hatched this scheme to make him admit it. Dejavu. He asks you for a Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt before he calms down enough to tell you the details. If I sell to Donald will I get the cafe back? If you help him, he'll give you a Gold Gift. Out of all his ramblings, it seems that Carl is one of the most prominent suspects as hes come into some money recently. 4,533 views Jan 6, 2021 27 Dislike Share Turmoil Forge 300 subscribers My journey as I venture into the immersing world of exciting new cooking stories. Requirements: 1 Tropical Latte with Saffron for Carl; 1 Chocolate Ice Cream with Saffron for Ben; 1 Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint for Petrovich; 1 Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Henry; 1 Alpine Winter Tiramisu for Clyde. Margaret claims she stole the previous paintings only to expose the Syndicate, the organization she worked for and which had replaced the paintings with fakes. The so-called psychic was only able to contact the spirit of Cleos phone and now needs another Canel with Rose and Cardamom. Answer from: Jmcourtney05I was nervous about selling so i came to this thread to check it out. Relationships The ex-mayor thinks they both did a great job, but the wow factor is missing, so Lucas makes comets to set against the backdrop of the Milky Way. You do and both go to the party together. Lucas is firmly committed to building a rapport with Emily's father. Emily didn't tell Clyde that she and Lucas are living together. Clyde, on the other hand, is a nervous wreckhe never really thought he had an unknown child somewhere, let alone that you would find them! In fact, robbers had broken into Elsas house and Alice is staying with her temporarily so she wont be left alone. Max is Chloe's boyfriend. However, it seems its impossible to please Felicias mother, who ends up criticizing Petrovichs handiwork for 3 hours straight. After being instructed by Margaret (who threw himself locked in a safe to the water so he could figure out how ti open it), Ben goes to the gangters' place. Ron seems sleepless. At the end of the story, Olivia is determined to testify against Mike in court now that she is able to. Koffsky says he can only give you hints, so you have to pick the correct answers to find out the recipe. Rewards: Pink Gift from Koffsky, Blue Gift from Alice. As for the robberies, she tells you that all the pieces stolen from the museums were top-notch fakes that she and her partner had passed off to a mysterious group known as the Syndicate..
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