Yet, I spend a lot of hours on social media (especially Twitter), but I learn a lot from it. Below are a few items the CDC recommends putting in your emergency kit: Water (1 gallon per person per day) Food (stock up on non-perishable items) Medications (prescription and over-the-counter meds) Tools and supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.) The writer is LIKENING the mindlessness people like YOU live under, to a zombie take overin fact they clearly state that the idea in your head (how a moron would perceive the writing) is NOT what they are talking about. Time for a fresh start. The wasp completely hijacks the spiders behavior and brain and makes it do something it would never do, like leave its nest and spinning a completely different structure. In 1918, Christendom would go down as a system to oblivion and be succeeded by revolutionary governments. If all this has got you worried, have a look at some of the more notorious doomsday scenarios in history that failed to materialize, just like hundreds of other prophecies through the ages. The predicted date of the end of the world, according to this psychic well known for predictions. As defined as being shot at with live ammo. showing how cool it is,,,,so the kids want it now, they do not want to work for it they just sell drugs, rod people and etc. By Konstantin Bikos. But Fernandez-Fournier and team noticed that members of this species infected with Zatypota larva exhibited bizarre behavior, leaving their colony to weave tightly-spun, cocoon-like webs in remote locations. They will be mal-nourished people desperate for food, clean water, alcohol, and medical supplies skinnies as the military has termed people in third world countries. For instance, the drug issue. BREAKING NEWS ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IN MARCH 9, 2023 - YouTube In Spain, strikes of the garbage sector have leave Madrid full of sh*t in the streets this weak and people are using masks to walk about. Since not much is known about what happens to us when we die, the idea that corpses could somehow be reanimated is something that has always captured peoples imaginations. Ive been storing what I can and learning to shoot. I am not condoning or advocating the use of drugs by any means, but at the same time, please stop spreading false information. In nature, we see multiple animals, insects, bacteria and Fungi that not only act like zombies but can turn their hosts into zombies. There are 62 days until Zombie Apocalypse. P.S I am a kid who betted my parents that zombies are not real. dude in america the only people who would buy bath salts and think its molly are the ignorant and bothersome kids that u want to od, For all you preppers and gamers that fantasize about this topic you better hope it dont happen. A zombie apocalypse will not happen the bible is wrong, Some of these idiots are already so screwed up in the head like game boy that thinks gamers can beat trained military men at a gun battle has already taken more drugs than a body can sanely absorb. Axe, pry bar, hammer . Reanimating humans, or, at least, human-like creatures, as in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein or H. P. Lovecrafts Herbert West: Reanimator, is a notion that has piqued the interest of writers, filmmakers and, of course, scientists, throughout the ages. Word Count: 484. i think it is good that kids search the web bc if we didn,t we wouldn,t get any where in this world. Drugs like Molly are being pitched as a pure form of Ecstasy, and these other commonly sold synthetic concoctions are being marketed as legal alternatives to street drugs. mind bending is easy except im no experiment. Ha I think that a zombie apocalypse is real because even in the bible it says once theres no more room in hell the dead will roam the earth and other websites and on YouTube so do not make this guy feel bad I mean seriously this guy worked hard and he really isnt lien so believe him plz. They act all tough saying ill shoot him or her or this and that but if it comes down to your parents or sister or wife and kids 99% of the people wouldnt be able to pull the damn trigger. Out of the many predictions for 2015, a zombie apocalypse virus probably seems like a bad joke considering the recent Ebola epidemic. In my opinion,Chicago is a thousand times worse than a Zombie movie, and it could be a good look at what our future has in store for us. school starting. Most of them are highly educated and have good jobs and they are good parents. In reality, most of these substances are the same chemicals that have caused people to go crazy and literally try to eat other peoples faces off. He was eventually committed to an. 2. Faced with the wealth of alarmist information available on the world wide web, even NASA was compelled to publish an information page about why the world would not end on December 21, 2012. Unless you have an underground bunker with about a decades worth of food water and medication. Hazardous materials Train derails outside Detroit, Mass Shooting at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas, Preparedness: Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters, takeover the ants central nervous system, leave the safety of its nest and climb up vegetation, stripped naked and jumped head-first into the sunroof, eating the faces of the people they attack,,,, Emergency Power: The Top Portable Solar Panel Chargers for Disasters, Top Solar Generators, Power Packs, and Emergency Solar Solutions, Discreet Survival Backpacks for Bug Out Disasters, A look at the Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter, Best Tactical Flashlights: Our Favorite Tactical Flashlights Reviewed, BUGOUT: 60+ Preparedness Resources for Bugging Out, Bug Out Bags - The Ultimate Resource Guide, Natural Disasters: Emergency Preparedness Checklist, 32 Self-Reliant Resources: Preparedness Skills Everyone Should Know. This 13th-century theologian wrote that the Antichrist would come to power between 1300 and 1340, and the Last Judgement would take place around 2000. You really telling the truth I read the hole bible and it said it so people who say its fake should read the bible and pay attention in a real church thats not dirty and nasty, If anything the bible is part of what is making us Zombies. If you saw that, you would most likely contact your local police, therefore if this event happened, you would be an expert, trying to figure out what you saw. These are the people you have to worry about. No such black hole has been sighted yet, and several high-profile studies have concluded that no such dangers are associated with the experiments conducted at the LHC. And if theres something you can do to protect yourself and the ones you love, join the military. zombie Apocalypse began in 1946,i am the product of what now exists.I was tested and invested in the 1960s to rule and rule mined bending, Not saying what you say is true or false however military and sl special forces at jabbbb sorry but your trained mindless follow orders if anyone is unprepaired its the military ya if an something like this happened thousands would die maybe millions but the few that have the mindset and personal skills will survive. The CDC Has a Tips Guide on How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse And, we all want to imagine that we wont be among the undead and will get to go around mercilessly hacking these poor lost souls to pieces. You fuckin shoot it. My generation are mindless retards who walk into oncoming traffic (husband almost hit someone the other day for this). ive been thinking about this for some years. Thats more time than someone spends working at a full-time job! Do they even realize what their exposing these kids to or are they to busy on their own phones to notice? Martin and a group of followers were convinced that a flying saucer would rescue the true believers before the inevitable destruction of Earth. However, we live in a world that is fast becoming a threat to that basic trait. Recently, scientists have discovered tiny organisms carried by house cats that can infect the human brain causing everything from altered brain chemistry and changes in personality to schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Parkinsons disease. Every year, new apocalyptic predictions waft . A Zombie Apocalypse Prediction For 2021? CDC Has A - Forbes The film featured all the typical characteristics of these supernatural ghouls: reanimated, mindless, and shuffling human corpses who eat the flesh and organs of the living. Zombie. In The Netherlands we are are really open about druguse. Hi Rob, Id like to respond to this post. Instead, medical reasons could explain their zombification. Durg lords will run the land for a while, commanding these inordinate troops till they get crazy enough to go zombie-mode forever. After October 21, 2011, the self-proclaimed prophet stated that nobody could know exactly when the time of the apocalypse would come., See how much time has passed since Campings apocalypse. Your 5-Step Guide For Surviving A Real-Life Zombie Apocalypse. There is a reason wars make so many officers so fast. um excuse me i was reading pyshcolgy books when i was 10 and i belive this! its time we stop being sheep and start following our own minds. Americans want more of anything that makes them feel good, whether its drugs or material things. In Portugal, almost half of the population is being paid under 500 a month, did you know that? No, not the friendly kindthey will be bloodthirsty monsters, resulting in, you guessed it, the end of humankind. You are already a zombie if you voted for Obama. This mathematician and astronomer predicted the end of the world during this year. UPDATED WARNINGPLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO YOU DON'T NEED TOTAKE SERIOUS OR PANIC BEFORE YOU MISUNDERSTOOD THIS VIDEO. What would be the average 'lifespan' of a zombie? - Quora Reanimation of this creature from the grave involves magic in many cases. ", "The Uses and Abuses of the Ancient Maya", "Grigory Rasputin predicted end of the world on August 23, 2013", "Is the cosmos telling us the end is near? #7.then build walls or fences around the farm(optional) There are 309 days until Zombie apocalypse. Now theyve found new ways to get high. The CDC wants you to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. (Yes, you read Back in the 60s it was pot. Some illnesses mirror the traits of zombies, such as rabies and leprosy, which could mean we may end up having a "zombie" variant on our hands. Yea the drug Molly has caused people to start eating other people if you would look at the news few years back in Miami the cops shot a man and it was caught on camera a man eating another mans face off it took more then one shot to get him to stop, That was not molly it was bath salts so seriously and if it happens fuck it does we better come together as a fucking u tied front of civilized neighbors brothers sister cousins u cakes Grammys Pappys AND JUST NORMAL FUCKING people and do whats right help one another and battle this bitch out no one knows if the worlds gonna end and when or if ever HONESTLY AND IF UR BELIEVING A BOOK THATS BEEN WROTE AND REWROTE BY A MAN FOR CENTURIES THAN SERIOUSLY UR THE BRAINWASHED OVER AMERICANIZED HUMAN BEING . I have to say, this would probably be the handiest tool you could have during a Zombie Apocalypse. Is this what the typical redneck high school dropout believes?? Nothing will get better only worse. Take a look at disasters like Hurricane Sandy and Katrina, and then imagine what would happen if our country was to face a similar, but prolonged nationwide disaster. The Dead are soon going to rise and I personally Believe that the vaccine has something to do with it . also its sad as many have lost their own will/ became puppets mentally. I couldnt agree with this more. Rich people not being taxed more,illegal aliens being aloud to settle here!! This cardinal predicted the end would occur between 1700 and 1734. Are You Prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse? The U.S. Government Is The bacteria which insects disseminate infect plants such as goldenrods, which have yellow flowers. Final Countdown: 1 Day Until the Mayan Apocalypse | Live Science We have a world full of people who have literally checked out of reality. Ive been watching the EU since its inception and I agree. Before entering its new cocoon, though, the wasp larva first finishes its job by devouring its host. Around 1400, this French theologian wrote that 6845 years of human history had already passed, and the end of the world would be in the 7000th year. I have way more research on zombies but Ill just list one more but trust me it is a for real thing, Parasites are going to bring zombies upon us oh my goodness, its Cardiovascular health: Insomnia linked to greater risk of heart attack. Its the average American Citizen who has forgotten the skills they need to survive without running to the local Walmart. This mathematician calculated the end of the world would be this year based on calculations from the. Incidentally, because Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease can be contracted through a contaminated food supply, imagine how easily it could be weaponized with the introduction of contaminants into the food chain. this is rediculous its not real calm down, Exactly because the Bible says nothing about there being a zombie apocalypse, It actually does if thats how ur supposed to read it. Swedenborg, a former Lutheran, claimed that the, Based on a misunderstanding of a talk given by astronomer. Every member of our armed forces is trained to take and give orders. This works for people who might be suffering from diseases as well. Idk if players should be able to camouflage themselves in any way. Um do you watch zombie movies? Also people like they said high on drugs are like that where they have no empathy for others and kill and eat people. In the run-up to the day, the internet abounded with predictions about an apocalypse happening on 12/21/12. The end of the world is nearagain! AZAC stands for Anti-zombie approval club, so join if you dont want to be a brain dead zombie. The first of two years this preacher predicted the world would end. The event Zombie apocalypse is it true? Wasps manipulating the behavior of spiders has been observed before, but not at a level as complex as this, says Fernandez-Fournier. The . Two actions can be taken: 1) you can prepare so that you can survive shortages and lawlessness and 2) you can work hard to make sure America as a society can withstand the challenges we currently face. There will be desperate, half-dead zombies that will overwhelm our law-and-order system. My parents didnt let me sit in front of the TV all day.. The zombie issue (kids that watch TV/social media mindless). We will have hordes of people that have depended on our supermarkets for everything trying to feed their families (myself included until recently). Ok you honestly didnt shoot anyone because if you did and the man somehow lived you would be in orison by now for murder and I dont think we will have actual zombies but we may or may not the on each other and fight each other but there wont be brain eating people and bull crap like that. Detail of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. When is the next palindrome date? Your brain cant comprehend the idea of a parallel within a writen piece. In fact, in the animal kingdom we can find a real-life example in tropical countries like Brazil. He did not predict how it would occur, stating that it might involve nuclear devastation. Go Ron Paul! Your all a bunch of idoits, Youve watched to many zombie movies. Maybe that's why they only approach you after a certain distance, as I've stared some down before when aiming way off in the distance and they don't see me standing in the open. A well maintained revolver and a side by side double barrel dont jam the problem is, what to do when you run out of ammo. A couple of things to keep in mind. I hope you come back with some arguments. There are also degenerative brain disorders that can mimic zombie behaviors, and there is also the case of people who are so absorbed with their smartphones that they arent paying attention to anything. [4] Historically, it has been done for reasons such as diverting attention from actual crises like poverty and war, pushing political agendas, and promoting hatred of certain groups; antisemitism was a popular theme of Christian apocalyptic predictions in medieval times,[5] while French and Lutheran depictions of the apocalypse were known to feature English and Catholic antagonists respectively. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. A. eximius spiders are social animals that prefer to remain in groups, never straying too far from their colonies. let us believe lol no one is serious, Oh were fucked up your the one who cant even spell damn right. Molly was actually made for psychological use but because it became a street drug it became outlawed by the DEA in the mid 80s, we are just now getting some good research done on it again to support its use for many mental disorders including PTSD. The walking dead. Sanitation and hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.) Water: Store at least one gallon per person per day that you think you may be trapped during an emergency. The government has control of everything and everyone!! But do zombies, or zombie-like beings actually exist in nature, and if so, what are they, and how do they come to enter this state of undeath? And can humans ever become zombie-like? Though convinced zombies were real, he had been unable to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon. Drugs on our streets!! If you love reading about eerie predictions and the end of the world, you've come to the right place. We also describe some of the many types of. The problem with people who are on drugs is that there is no reasoning with them. Heart failure: Could a low sodium diet sometimes do more harm than good? Nowadays, people use the word zombie a lot more loosely often metaphorically to refer to anyone or anything that presents as apathetic, moves slowly, and demonstrates little awareness of their surroundings. Siberia zombie virus: How likely is an actual living dead apocalypse? Revised prediction from Mather after his 1697 prediction failed to come true. For years people have made fun of cat owners, often joking about the crazy cat lady down the block. I think I just found someone whod agree with me xD, Omfg Democratis Dependitardus XD I HAVE to remember that one lol.
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